
Tampa Bay Krewe RFC has established the Tampa Rugby Endowment to provide a permanent and consistent source of financial support to rugby throughout the Tampa Bay area. This endowment will help ensure our beloved sport will continue to thrive and that our club will have the resources needed to sustain far into the future.

Tampa Bay Krewe RFC has partnered with The Community Foundation of Tampa Bay (www.cftampabay.org) to make this endowment a reality. This is your opportunity to make a positive and everlasting impact on Tampa Rugby. Making a donation, no matter the size, will help meet the goal of a sustainable Krewe program.

What is an Endowment?

An endowment is an investment fund established by a foundation, usually non-profits, that makes consistent withdrawals from invested capital. Endowment funds are typically funded by donations that are deductible for the donors and are used for specific purposes, such as supporting the operations of an organization. The large initial monetary requirements are the most difficult part in establishing an endowment. But once funded, the endowment will provide a consistent source of income into the future.

Why Do We Need An Endowment?

The combination of increasing operating costs and the growth of rugby in the United States have presented a challenge to the sustainability and development of rugby in Tampa Bay. Rugby clubs struggle to address these challenges alone. We have the opportunity to build a permanent and stable source of support for now and the future.

Tampa Bay Krewe’s Future

The Tampa Rugby Endowment will become fully funded upon reaching a balance of $25,000. Once endowed, it will provide an annual income of approximately 4% to support rugby in Tampa Bay. This income will supplement player dues and sponsorship funding as our primary sources of support. And as the endowment grows, so does the annual income available to support local rugby. Please join us in making a donation to the Tampa Rugby Endowment.

Please click the below link to download a copy of our case statement.

Tampa Endowment-Case Statement

If you would like to make a donation, please follow the link below to donate directly to the endowment. 


If you would like more information about different ways to donate, please follow the link below. 


